Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So today Ben and I went to the Veterans hospital in Lebanon PA for an MRI. We are like the youngest people in the hospital. There are always a bunch of old guys hanging around swapping war stories wearing their hats with VA pins all over them.

We were a little early so we were waiting outside for the MRI office to open. I was sitting on a bench swinging my feet back and forth cuz I couldn't reach the ground and Ben was standing next to the office door. This older man in a wheelchair comes wheeling by us. He pulls right up next to me and says to me "Can I see your hand?"

I could barely understand him, I thought maybe he had a mental disorder. I smiled and gave him my hand palm up. He took my hand and turned it over and pulled up the sleeve of my jacket and kissed my hand! He is still holding my hand when he says to me "I was a P.O.W do you know what that is?"

I said "Really? Its a Prisoner of War isn't it?" I was really amazed that I actually was meeting someone who was taken prisoner in a war. I was like whoa.

Then he says to me "No its a 'Pervert on Wheels'

I started laughing it was so hilarious. Then he says "It also stands for 'Prisoner of Wife'

Then he wheels off down the hall.

Ben and I looked at each other and we were just cracking up. That had to be the funniest thing that has happened to me in a while. I must have been the youngest looking lady he has seen in a long time :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

ER doctors know next to nothing

Soooooo. I think that pretty much sums it up

Natalie has been very sick for the past 2 weeks or so. She was vomiting all over the place. She would just sit on the couch and be miserable. Its been awful.

THEN. Her gums started bleeding. I thought it was because she was getting some new teeth and I didn't think anything of it. So I stopped brushing her teeth for a few days until her gums got back to normal.

Then she woke up from her nap and had blood all down the front of her shirt dripping onto her pants! I called the DR and he said that was not normal. I got a flashlight and took a look up in there and come to find out she has no NEW teeth. Its the old ones that are bleeding. All you have to do is lightly touch her gums and they start to bleed like you've never seen before.

So the on call DR told me to take her to the ER.


This kid has been to the ER 4 times in her year and a half on this earth. She KNOWS what that is all about. So I take her in and we wait....and we wait...and we wait some more. Then the ER doc asks me if I brush her teeth. OF COURSE I BRUSH HER TEETH!!! DO YOU THINK I WOULD BRING MY KID TO THE ER FOR GINGIVITIS?????

I explained to him that I had stopped since they started bleeding so MUCH... Much being the keyword here. So of course he takes blood to see if she has some rare blood disease.

So all anybody has to do is WALK into Natalie's room and LOOK like a DR and Natalie goes crazy. So when the nurses come to take her blood she is already flipped out because they are just THERE. Then I have to hold her down on the table while she screams and hyperventilates. I laid next to her on the bed to she could hold my ear and run my hair through her fingers. That is the only thing that comforts her. I look in her eyes and tell her she is such a tough girl and she is so brave. The nurses said she was a good girl and she didn't squirm at all for them. Poor baby.

I keep telling the stupid ER DR I think she has an infection or abscess . He asks me 'Do you take her to the dentist?"


He is like 'Hrmmm yea usually we don't take kids to the dentist until they are three"

*bonks self in head*

"Oooookay... So can I get some antibiotics JUST IN CASE its an infection in her gums?"

"Hrmm yea I will go ahead and do that" "Her blood work came back normal she doesn't have any blood disorders. "You should check in with your pediatrician later this week"

*smacks head against wall*

So by now its 1 am. Natalie is thoroughly traumatized yet again and we have the bubble gum flavored antibiotics in hand. Ive been accused of being a neglectful parent, and all is right with the world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Curious Toddler = No New Blogs

So I know, I know. Its been months since I updated this blog. It must be very disappointing to all my adoring fans when they click on my link saved in their favorites and then.......nothing new from Stephanie. *frown*

Well I must say that I have quite a silly little monkey running around the house who takes up most of my time these days. She has gotten so good at running that I have a hard time keeping up with her before she gets a hold of something sharp or dangerous. Sometimes I turn around and scream "Where the heck did you get those scissors?!?"

I might add that the scissors were pink. So Natalie automatically thinks they are hers. It is understood in our household that anything pink is HERS! It is also known that anything with a handle on it is HER purse.

Anyways My new years resolutions are as follows:

1. Keep a better blog
2. Keep a better personal journal
3. Print out old blogs and put them in a binder
4. Take better care of my body
5. Get my home/life better organized
6. Get pictures printed out from digital cameras
7. Pay off as much debt as possible

So no crazy weight loss/ working out resolutions for me. They are dumb. I hate it when people say they wanna loose weight for a resolution. Blah

So hopefully in the very near future I will have a new blog about my sweet girl, with lots of pictures!!

So much has happened in the past few weeks. I haven't blogged about any of it and I am so upset with myself. But I am going to do better!!