Thursday, March 27, 2008


Okay, I think I deserve a vacation.
Today is March 27 and since February 14th Natalie has gotten SIX teeth. She has been a trooper through it all but NOT ONE PERSON in this house is getting a full nights sleep.

Natalie is becoming extremely 'wiggly' she is just all over the place when I am trying to hold her in my lap. We also are pretty sure she was a bat in a past life. She HAS to look at everything upside down. She looks at everything right side up then upside down. Over and over again.

She loves it when Ben swings her around upside down. He does all these acrobatic flips with her that make my heart skip a beat. I wouldn't let him do it if she didn't enjoy it so much. He puts her on his shoulders and runs around the yard with her and she couldn't be happier.

I think we might have a dare devil on our hands.

She gets in position for crawling but she still hasn't figured it out yet. I dont think she much cares. But cousin Evan (who is 9 hours older) is WALKING! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. That boy is a mover and a shaker.
But Natalie is very much like her Daddy. "Ill get to it when I feel like it, dont rush me"

Friday, March 21, 2008

Poor Natalie

I am the worst mom ever. Last night I was giving Natalie a bath and she was playing with her tub letters, I went to lay her back to wash her hair and I didn’t realize that at the last second before I leaned her back she grabbed the bath cup. It was filled with water, so when she leaned back all the water from the cup went in her face. She was coughing and choking, she couldn’t see because she had water in her eyes. She grabbed hold of my t-shirt with her arms out like "save me save me!"

Then Ben comes running in cuz he can hear her coughing and choking. He worries.

Yesterday Nat and I were sitting on the couch together watching TV. I turned Blues Clues off and I started watching COPS. She was looking at the TV then all of a sudden she puts her arms up like she wants a hug cuz she is scared. I guess the sirens scared her. So I guess now she is very aware of everything and I have to wait for her to go to bed before I can watch any of my shows.

But I do love this new thing where she puts her arms out for a hug. She is so darn cute.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday I found out that when I am stressed out my eye lid muscle twitches.

Now the kind of stress I am talking about isnt like, Oh crap Ive got so much stuff to do today and not enough time to do it.

The kind of stress that makes my eye lid twitch is life altering, earth shattering, worse case scenario junk.

Such is life

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jessie tagged me!

A.The rules of this game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.

Questions:10 yrs ago:
I was 13 years old. I had just started homeschooling and my family's mail order business. My cousin was murdered this year and my Aunt had a stillborn baby. It was a tough year.

5 Things on my list of things to do today:

1. Clean this messy house
2. Pick up Natalie's prescription
3. Do epilepsy research
4. Buy my plane ticket
5. Make copies of medical records

Things I would do if I suddenly was a Billionaire:

I would not tell anyone first off. Then I would set up trust funds for Natalie and my nephew. I would invest a lot of it. I would buy some real estate. I would pay all my bills and my family's bills. I would give to charities. Then I would buy Natalie a farm full of fainting goats. :)

3 of my bad habits

I am a extreme procrastinator
I worry way too much
I dont exercise enough

Places I have lived

Westminster MD
Fairfield PA
Spangdahlem Germany
Speicher Germany
Warner Robins Ga

Jobs I have had:

Our family's Mail Order Business
Courier for Jackson Hewitt
Waitress at Ruby Tuesdays
Worked at Noah's Ark Pet shop
Secretary Jackson Hewitt
Lunch Lady in Germany
Cashier for AAFES
Now I am a Stay at home mom and I sell Tastefully Simple on the side

Things most people don't know about me:

I am not a girly girl
I love watching COPS
I didn't go to the dentist for like 7 years
I have fear of being in a major car accident
If a room in my house gets too dirty I can't go in that room. <---Ive got issues

I tag YOU! Yes YOU! If you have read this then you MUST post it on your blog! I will find out if you dont!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


So we ended up driving back to Atlanta yesterday to go to the Aquarium. It actually was a pretty good trip. No accidents no traffic. But it did end up being the coldest day of the year I have ever experienced in Georgia. We actually saw snow flurries. That was a first.

Natalie LOVED looking at the fish. Ben had her on his shoulders a majority of the time and she was having a blast. She was really into it and I am really happy we went back.

I do wish we had gone on a week day because the place was mobbed. It was so bad that we had to wait in line to see just about every tank. I think I like the Baltimore Aquarium a lot better. Baltimore has a dolphin show and a whole rain forest exhibit. Atlanta was OK but definitely not as good as Baltimore.

Atlanta did have a great exhibit on Beluga Whales which was awesome. They also had really beautiful jelly fish. Every time we saw different fish I would point out to Natalie which fish were in "Finding Nemo" I know she is small but I think she understands. She is so cute.

I feel so sorry for my poor baby. She has 3 or 4 teeth coming in. On top of the 2 she already has. Its gotta be agony

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Jeans strike again!

So Natalie has been having itchy eyes for the past week or so and then today she starting sneezing. Ben has been sick the past 3 days so we decided to go off to the Dr -AGAIN-

It seems that my genes have given Natalie seasonal allergies. Wonderful.

Since it is blooming down here I guess she is miserable. So the Dr prescribed Zyrtec for her. I feel so bad to be giving Natalie so much medicine all the time! She is on Keppra for her epilepsy, Motrin for her teething, Orajel for her teething, and now Zyrtec for allergies. Poor baby!

I know I spelled genes wrong in the tittle of this blog -don't comment me about my spelling!- But when I was a kid whenever I heard people saying stuff like "Its just in my genes" I always thought they meant their pants. Even to this day whenever someone says that I think about jeans... Ive got issues

In other news I almost killed my whole family yesterday.

Ben has been working 12 hour days for the past 6 days in a row. So we decided to spend the whole day together as a family since we haven't really seen much of each other lately. We decided to take Natalie to the aquarium in Atlanta. Ben and I thought she would enjoy looking at the fish since she is really getting interested in the world around her. Atlanta is about a 2 hour drive from here and about 20 minutes from the aquarium there was a major accident on the highway. So we sat in bumper to bumper traffic for like a half hour. Then we decided to have the GPS take us on a back road to the aquarium instead to sit in traffic all day. So we get off at the next exit and head off on some back roads.

It ends up that it took us an hour out of the way and we were too late to get into the aquarium before it closed. That stinkin GPS also took us through the ghetto. Its not the first time that GPS has taken us thought some pretty bad areas. We actually drove by the State Penitentiary.... lovely

So we ended up turning around and just going home. People always wonder why I hate traveling. Its because stupid crap like this ALWAYS happens to us.

So back to the killing part. We were on like a 8 lane highway trying to get back on 75 when Ben starts screaming at me that we have to get over or we are going to miss our ramp. So I am trying to cross over 3 lanes of traffic when out of nowhere I am about to side swipe a Mercedes SUV. I was screaming I was so scared. But thanks to my EXCELLENT driving skillz we are all alive and well. I did however have a few tears because I was so scared. But we are all home, alive, and not too eager to drive back to Atlanta anytime soon.