Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jessie tagged me!

A.The rules of this game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.

Questions:10 yrs ago:
I was 13 years old. I had just started homeschooling and my family's mail order business. My cousin was murdered this year and my Aunt had a stillborn baby. It was a tough year.

5 Things on my list of things to do today:

1. Clean this messy house
2. Pick up Natalie's prescription
3. Do epilepsy research
4. Buy my plane ticket
5. Make copies of medical records

Things I would do if I suddenly was a Billionaire:

I would not tell anyone first off. Then I would set up trust funds for Natalie and my nephew. I would invest a lot of it. I would buy some real estate. I would pay all my bills and my family's bills. I would give to charities. Then I would buy Natalie a farm full of fainting goats. :)

3 of my bad habits

I am a extreme procrastinator
I worry way too much
I dont exercise enough

Places I have lived

Westminster MD
Fairfield PA
Spangdahlem Germany
Speicher Germany
Warner Robins Ga

Jobs I have had:

Our family's Mail Order Business
Courier for Jackson Hewitt
Waitress at Ruby Tuesdays
Worked at Noah's Ark Pet shop
Secretary Jackson Hewitt
Lunch Lady in Germany
Cashier for AAFES
Now I am a Stay at home mom and I sell Tastefully Simple on the side

Things most people don't know about me:

I am not a girly girl
I love watching COPS
I didn't go to the dentist for like 7 years
I have fear of being in a major car accident
If a room in my house gets too dirty I can't go in that room. <---Ive got issues

I tag YOU! Yes YOU! If you have read this then you MUST post it on your blog! I will find out if you dont!


Jessie said...

Awesome!! Thanks for being a good sport:) I think you're the only one who actually did it out of the people I tagged.

wow, 7 years with no dentist, i think I came close to that. But in the last 6 months I've been going and today got some work done on both sides of my face, meaning my face is numb, meaning that when I smile, half of my face smiles and the other side droops...

meaning people laugh at me...

I dind't want to chew anything so I got a smoothie for lunch on the way home, and I couldn't get my lips around it LOL!! I looked like the biggest retard... I have a picture but I refuse to show anyone hehe....