Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Sixty-Nine Odd Questions
Are your parents married or divorced?:Married
Are you a vegetarian?:No! but meat sometimes makes me sick
Do you believe in Heaven?:Yes
Have you ever come close to dying?:I was in a pretty bad accident once
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?:My wedding band, a necklace with my birthstone Ben bought me
Are you eating?:not at the moment
Do you eat the stems of broccoli:YES
Do you wear makeup?:Very rarely
Would you ever have plastic surgery?:Nope, I am the way I should be. But I could lose a few pounds who couldn't?
What do you wear to bed?:underwear, t-shirt. Sometimes PJs
Have you ever done anything illegal?:Speeding.
Can you roll your tounge?:roll, flip upside down in both directions, make a 3 leaf clover, make a smiley face, make it do the wave, and lick my nose
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?:Married
Do you believe in Abortions?:Not unless the mother is in danger, or the child is a product of rape/incest. I believe in adoption
What is your Hair color?:Dark Brown
Future child's name, boy and girl?:If I have a boy his name will be Noah, if I have another girl, I'm not sure
Do you smoke?:No
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?:Home
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:I have a stuffed pig by my bed
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?:Never tell anyone! Then I would take care of all my family's bills. I would set up a trust for Natalie. Give to charities, and I would invest the rest and live off the interest
Gold or silver?:Silver
Hamburger or hot dog?:Hamburger
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?:Chicken
City, beach or country?:Country
What was the last thing you touched?:My hair
Where did you eat last?:Sonny's BBQ
When's the last time you cried?:A few days ago
Do you read blogs?:Yup
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?:Nope
Ever been involved with the police?:Ive been pulled over a few times
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?:Nioxin
Do you talk in your sleep?:Sometimes I wake myself up because I am talking
Ocean or pool?:pool
What's your favorite song at the moment:let it be
have you ever had a cavity?:I do have cavities, but I only found out about it when I was pregnant and they couldn't do its on the list of things to do
Window seat or aisle seats?:WINDOW!!!!!
Ever met anyone famous?:I can't remember
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?:I'm only in the middle of it right now
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?:TWIRL!! People who cut spaghetti are weird
What is your fav. sport to play?:None
Basketball or football?:Eww
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?:like a few hours ago
Do you drive a stick?:Yes! Everybody should know how
Cake or ice cream?:ice cream
Are you self-conscious?:sometimes
Do you like any of your close friends?:uggg,,,why would they be freinds if I didn't like them
Have you ever given money to a bum?:I never have cash! But I have wanted too
Have you been in love?:currently
Where do you wish you were?:Right where I am
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?:Because he is my husband
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?:Many times
Can you tango?:No
Last gift you received?:Swiffer mop from Ben for my birthday. I told him thats what I wanted!!
What occasion did you recieve your gift?:Birthday
Last thing you spent lots of money on?:Groceries
Where do you live?:Warner Robins GA
Last wedding attended.:HA HA HA MINE!
Favorite restaurant?:Its a restaurant in Germany I dont know the name. It was in Binsfeld
What is your favorite kind of car?:TOYOTA!!
Most hated food(s):I will eat just about anything. But I hate clam chowder
Most loved food(s)?:Pasta, salads....FRESH food..anything fresh
Can you sing?:Good enough for my own personal enjoyment
Person on your mind?:Natalie
What's your least fav. chores?:LAUNDRY IS NEVER DONE, NEITHER ARE DISHES
Favorite drink?:Cherry Coke zero
Currently have a Crush?:No
How long was your longest drive in a car?:2 days I was pregnant and I had to get out and walk every 2 hours
Why do you do Myspace surveys?:Cuz
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?:Nope
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Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

President Gordon B Hinckley passed away Sunday night at the age of 97.

He was the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since 1995. So for as long as I can remember he has been the prophet.

He was a sweet man and I really enjoyed listening to him talk at conference. I always liked it when he gave a talk because he was always smiling and he usually was making a joke about something.

My seminary teacher taught us a lesson once about being able to recognize different voices. When a song comes on the radio and you are familiar with the artist you can recall their name. She wanted us to be able to recognize the voice of the prophet just by hearing his voice, so that we would always be able to know and be familiar with his voice in a world where many other influences are coming at us everyday. That if we could pick one voice out of them all to listen too it should be his.

Sitting here now I can recall how is voice sounded raspy but still clear and with a certain conviction to his words. I had the privilege of sitting behind him in the choir when he came to visit D.C. I was about 10 feet away from him and I really wanted to meet him but he had a lot of security.

This was a man who carried a heavy load of being the head of a rapidly growing religion. He had hinted in the past few conferences that he may not be around for much longer. When I saw the news that he had died it felt like a physical blow, I never thought he could die. But I take comfort in knowing he is again united with his wife and family in the Celestial Kingdom.

We will meet again Gordy.

New Beginnings!

First and most importantly I would like to announce that I am an Aunt again! My sister in-law Rachel and her husband Nick just welcomed their first baby girl named Joy.

I think she is beautiful and she looks like both her parents. I can't wait until I get to see and hold her!

In my last blog I was a little vague about our current situation. But to give the short version Ben may be getting medically discharged from the military in the next few months. This has been very unexpected but I have had a little over a week to digest it and I am actually really OK with the whole situation. I think that everything happens for a reason.

So I am trying to look at this as a new beginning. I think this will be very good for us in many ways. There is a large part of me that is not sad that we are getting out of the military, another part of me that is scared to death. But I know that our little family have been through harder things then this and it can only make us stronger.

If I have learned anything from this experience it is that it is important now more then ever to continue my education. After we get settled in a new place I plan to go back to school to become a LPN. Or to follow my all time dream of becoming a 911 operator...I am not quite sure how to go about that. But I realized that if Ben was paralyzed tomorrow what would I do? How would I take care of Natalie and him? I do think that being a stay at home mom is the most important thing I could ever do. So this will definitely be a juggling act. But I would do anything to take care of her.

I mean look at that face? How could you not want to take care of her and give her everything and anything she wants/needs?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ive got lemons, now where is my lemonade?

Well all I want to do right now is whine and complain a whole lot. But that really wont solve anything or make anything better. So I guess I wont.

It seems that life has thrown us a pretty large curve ball. I really don't even want to talk about it because if I say it out loud or type it up then it might become more real then I would like to deal with right now.

Honestly we are in the best position we could be in given the circumstances. But its just a huge stinky mess.

I am just really thankful that I have my sweet baby, now more then ever. Mostly because how can you wake up angry at the world when you have this little 7 month old baby smiling at you all day? If I didn't have her right now I would probably be a puddle of tears on the floor. But as a mom I do not have the luxury of sitting around depressed and angry all day. She also has motivated me to try and get a good game plan together for the next few months so we can get through this difficult time as a family.

She is more important than anything and I intend to make sure she is well taken care of regardless of this basket of lemons we have received.

He he he don't you love my secret coding? You have no idea what this post is about but I bet you are dieing to know..........Mwhaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa

I am a big dork.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Something new

So today I was flipping through the channels and I came across Oprah. Today she had that guy Dr Oz on. I usually don't watch when he is on because I think he is loony. But he was talking about how the back of the brain is the part that controls vision.

I found that interesting because when Natalie has her seizures it is mostly in her eyes and head. When we were in the hospital and she got the EEG test done, the Dr said that the back of her brain was the part that was showing up abnormal.

Which I find out today on Oprah, is the part that controls the eyes. So that was like a big fat DOH. I felt like a total idiot for not knowing that.... Thanks Oprah :)

She has not had a seizure since Dec. 3rd which is really great. She used to have them every 2 weeks. So I am very happy she is doing so well now.

In other news, Natalie is getting very good at rolling over all by herself. She also is not so scared to stay on her tummy on the floor. She is also getting very good at raising herself up with her arms and looking around.

Natalie is also very interested in what I eat. She always watches my hand go from the plate to my mouth, back and forth. So tonight I gave her a pizza crust to gum on. Whenever she has a biscuit or a crust she likes to hold it in both her hands then look at it, then put it in her mouth. Then she will pull it back out and look at it again, and then put it back in her mouth.

She is such a girl, whenever she gets sad or scared all I have to do is hold her hand in mine and she is comforted. I remember when she was tiny and I would give her a bath, she would be so scared and be crying, but all I had to do was hold her hands and she would stop crying.

Do I talk about my kid too much? Maybe its because I am in love with her. She is the best thing to ever happen to me and I love her so much.

I also have a new primary class at church. I now have eight 4 year olds. EIGHT!!!! I felt like a mother duck counting heads in the hallway at church. I only lost one once! I have no idea where she went but she reappeared shortly after. They are actually very well behaved. I was pleasantly surprised. They were better then some older kids I have taught in the past. They all are adorable and they were so excited to get their very own CTR rings on Sunday. I think this is going to be very fun. They are at such a cute age.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


So this was a really hectic year for Christmas.

It started with Natalie and I flying to PA before Christmas. Then Ben drove up in the van with the doggie. He stayed for about a week. We were very fortunate to be able to see all our family for Christmas for the first time in 3 years. Ben's parents flew up from Texas so we were able to go to church with them at their old ward and then we got to spend Christmas eve with Ben's whole family in MD. It was great to see everybody in the same place even though we are all spread all over the country now.

Bens sister is soooo pregnant with her little girl and I am so excited that Natalie is going to have a girl cousin so close to her age! When I was growing up I was close with a lot of my cousins and I am looking forward to Natalie having the same.

Then we spent Christmas day with my family in PA. It was Evan and Natalie's first Christmas and they were so cute playing with all their wrapping paper. Natalie got a toy cell phone and and a lot of books to read (since she is finally into that now) Aunt Rebekah makes sure Natalie's wardrobe is the best in town. She got her two cute dresses. As soon as she gets me the pics off her camera Ill post them up.

Then later that week Ben flew home to GA to go back to work. We missed him for New Years. Then I got deathly ill (which I always do on the holidays) and that kinda threw all my plans to visit people in the toilet.

My dad drove with Natalie, me, and the pup back down to GA yesterday and we are glad to be home. Natalie is such a good traveler. She stayed in her car seat and was a happy baby all the way to Atlanta. Then she started to get cranky. But I can't blame her I was cranky after 12 hours too! She is such a sweet angel baby.

Natalie has been blowing raspberries like crazy these days. Its her new favorite thing. I think she is getting ready for a tooth because she has been extra drooly lately. She is such a girly girl. All her little whimpers are sooooo girly. She also loves reading books with her daddy before bed. She was also very excited to get home to GA to her saucer!!! She was kicking like crazy when she saw it.

Natalie has not had a seizure since December 3rd after they upped her dose of medication. I am really happy because she seems to be really happy. She smiles all the time and is generally always in a good mood. She is just starting to eat solid foods. Its not her favorite thing to do....were still practicing....

We had a great Christmas and we really are going to miss all our family back home. I know Natalie loves being around everybody and getting lots of attention. But I am also ready to get back into our routine. Back to selling Tastefully Simple ya'll!!!!