Monday, January 28, 2008

New Beginnings!

First and most importantly I would like to announce that I am an Aunt again! My sister in-law Rachel and her husband Nick just welcomed their first baby girl named Joy.

I think she is beautiful and she looks like both her parents. I can't wait until I get to see and hold her!

In my last blog I was a little vague about our current situation. But to give the short version Ben may be getting medically discharged from the military in the next few months. This has been very unexpected but I have had a little over a week to digest it and I am actually really OK with the whole situation. I think that everything happens for a reason.

So I am trying to look at this as a new beginning. I think this will be very good for us in many ways. There is a large part of me that is not sad that we are getting out of the military, another part of me that is scared to death. But I know that our little family have been through harder things then this and it can only make us stronger.

If I have learned anything from this experience it is that it is important now more then ever to continue my education. After we get settled in a new place I plan to go back to school to become a LPN. Or to follow my all time dream of becoming a 911 operator...I am not quite sure how to go about that. But I realized that if Ben was paralyzed tomorrow what would I do? How would I take care of Natalie and him? I do think that being a stay at home mom is the most important thing I could ever do. So this will definitely be a juggling act. But I would do anything to take care of her.

I mean look at that face? How could you not want to take care of her and give her everything and anything she wants/needs?


Jessie said...

Oh what a cutie!! YOu'll figure things out Steph. You're so strong and smart, it sounds like you are really trusting in God to make things work out for you guys.

That would be awesome to be an LPN! or 911 operator. You can do it! Nothing worth doing was ever easy. We will pray for your family. Love you!