Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Curious Toddler = No New Blogs

So I know, I know. Its been months since I updated this blog. It must be very disappointing to all my adoring fans when they click on my link saved in their favorites and then.......nothing new from Stephanie. *frown*

Well I must say that I have quite a silly little monkey running around the house who takes up most of my time these days. She has gotten so good at running that I have a hard time keeping up with her before she gets a hold of something sharp or dangerous. Sometimes I turn around and scream "Where the heck did you get those scissors?!?"

I might add that the scissors were pink. So Natalie automatically thinks they are hers. It is understood in our household that anything pink is HERS! It is also known that anything with a handle on it is HER purse.

Anyways My new years resolutions are as follows:

1. Keep a better blog
2. Keep a better personal journal
3. Print out old blogs and put them in a binder
4. Take better care of my body
5. Get my home/life better organized
6. Get pictures printed out from digital cameras
7. Pay off as much debt as possible

So no crazy weight loss/ working out resolutions for me. They are dumb. I hate it when people say they wanna loose weight for a resolution. Blah

So hopefully in the very near future I will have a new blog about my sweet girl, with lots of pictures!!

So much has happened in the past few weeks. I haven't blogged about any of it and I am so upset with myself. But I am going to do better!!


Unknown said...

I think another resolution should be to not beat yourself up for not blogging when you're busy with a baby! Sometimes I go ages without blogging. Before I even started I told myself that blogging was for ME, and if it stressed me out, then it wasn't good for me. So I just don't let it worry me when I haven't posted, even for weeks or months!

stephanietworek said...

Your right! I should just breathe! relax..... That should be another resolution of mine...relax....I like that :)

Jessie said...

I am behind on my blog too:-(. I don't have any monkeys running around, just procrastination. It's not like I have ONE post to write, I get overwhelemed by the 5 posts I want to write.

Anywho, awesome resolutions! I wish i still kept a journal. I realized that my blog is kkind of like my journal.. when i dont' remember somethign from last year or wonder what we did for an occasion, I just look for it on my blog.

I hate those weight loss resolutions too! I think there's more to being healthy than losing weight. Weight loss should be a side effect of health, not the only goal. Whoc ares if you are stick thin but will die soon of anorexia or injure yourself over excercising.. or worry abiout every single precious calorie putting a few pounds on! Being healthy is mroe fun than being thin any day.

My mom is a personal trainer and started her own gig called "fromt he inside out".. which focuses on beaing healthy fromt he inside out.. my mom is no skinny minny, but she can run circles around me excercising. She doesn't exercise because she wants to be thinner (although, she does want to be thinner), she exercises because it makes her feel good.

I wish i exercised... i have no time. So I try to eat good food. Anywho, I'm rambling now, but yeah< i agree about the healthy thing!

I have to come see you soon!! I graduate in April, and then i won't have this crazy schedule anymore. Maybe I can come see you before then since you're so close!