Thursday, March 5, 2009


The other night my parents and I took the babies to an Equine Theater show. It was really neat and Evan couldn't take his eyes off it. He was uncharacteristically still and focused. Natalie loved listening to the music and she was pointing to the horses. The only part she didn't like was the jousting. I think it scared her a little.

Before the show started they had a woman come out and sing the National Anthem. Of course I'm like "Oooo no" I ALWAYS cry when I hear the National Anthem. So at least it was dark in the arena and everyone stood up, but I couldn't because I had Natalie on my lap. So I was pretty covered.

I can remember when I first moved to Germany they had the summer Olympics in Greece, and OF COURSE the would play the National Anthem all the time. So I would be all alone in my apartment in the middle of the day in a puddle of tears. Before I moved to Germany I never really got emotional about the National Anthem. But being so far away, missing my family and all the comforts we enjoy here really brought it out in me.

If you have never lived outside this country for an extended period of time I would recommend you do it before you die. I think it should be a requirement that all young people live outside the states for a period of time. I think that more people would appreciate what they have so much more and stop whining.

I was up really late last night unable to sleep because I was worrying about how hard things are for us right now. It was the first time in a long time that I got down on my knees and prayed all alone in the dark. I really hope the economic situation in the country gets better rather then worse really really soon.

Even though things are super tough right now I'm always repeating over and over in my head 'Things could be so much worse, we are so blessed' it has become my mantra. I know that my heavenly Father won't give me anything I can't handle, and I am so thankful for being born here in the United States of America.


Jessie said...

lovely post.

I felt a bit of heartbreak last year when things were starting to get bad. I was always so proud of my country and it broke my heart to find that because of a relatively small amount of selfish people, the rest of us are suffering. I felt like I couldn't have faith in my country anymore, even though i know how blessed I still am, i felt like "well, if these are our values- materialism, fat cats getting richer while the rest of us little people see our money dwindle away", along with other things I haven't been crazy about that the US has been involved in.... i thought "maybe we aren't that special"

maybe we aren't, but we sure have so many wonderful things still. There will always be the selfish people. I think of the Book of mormon, and how things started to get bad when the gap between the rich and the poor widened, and people were prideful of their possessions. it's been America's weakness for so long!

I've been praying a lot too. I've been trying to tell myself that as long as I don't value expensive things, then this crisis is no biggy:). that's what I'm telling myself anyway...