Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ramblings on Religion

So what is up with people doggin on my religion these days?

Is it because Christmas is coming up?

Is it because Mitt Romney is running for president?

Whatever the reason is...nock it off.

Its not just my religion either. I cant tolerate it when ANYONE talks crap about ANYONES religion of choice. It is my number one pet peeve.

This is the best country in the world and one of the best things about it is freedom of religion. Now don't come back at me with the freedom of speech lecture. I already know. You dont need to inform me. I am aware you can say anything about any other persons religion you want. Just because you can, doesnt make it the right thing to do.

My religion is a very important part of my life. It is very near and dear to my heart. If you don't believe in it (or anything else) more power to you. I don't really care. But don't project your negative views about my religion of choice around me. I don't want to hear it. People should respect one another enough to not discriminate or try and "disprove" my religion to my face. Grow up.

If you aren't hurting anyone (or any animal) worship as you please. Others should respect that basic right that everyone in America is entitled too.

People that have decided to live their lives as Atheists or agnostics, do as you please I respect that. But don't try and put yourself above me because you think I am silly for believing in SOMETHING. How I live my life and how I worship dose not effect you in anyway.

I just hate it when someone tries to tell me I am ridiculous for believing in a book that they don't believe is real. I just DO. I don't have to explain myself to anyone, unless you are genuinely interested and want more info.

I am not quite sure what single event inspired this blog. I guess its just a combination of a lot of things that have been going on lately.

To sum it up.

live and let live:
believing that other people should be allowed to live their lives in the way that they want to.

live and let live:
to accept other people as they are, although they may have a different way of life.


stephanietworek said...
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stephanietworek said...

I am just testing to see if comments are working... and it looks like they are! yay

Jessie said...

Hey there!! I'm so glad you got a blog!! I think I'm going to add a list of my friends' blogs to my page cuz everyone is getting one, it's awesome:) Love your ramblings!! I second everything!