Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pet Peeves

I have a few pet peeves. Things that just absolutely drive me up a wall.

1. I hate it when you are in the grocery store and you get behind someone who is in the same rhythm as you are. You end up following and bumping into this person the whole time you are in the store. I HATE waiting behind someone while they are in front of the thing I need to grab.

2. I hate picky eaters!!!!!! To all my freinds, family, and husband this dosent mean I don't love you any less this just means that I hate the way you eat! My husband wont eat anything mushy! My sister wont eat anything spicy! Ive got a cousin who used to order a cheeseburger with everything on it but then would take all the lettuce and tomato off it when she got it (you know who you are) she said she just liked the taste it left behind but didn't want to actually eat it. I used to know a guy who would go to taco bell and get a taco with no lettuce on it! Ben cant eat french fries without ketchup! He will refuse to eat them!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!

I wont eat onions on my burger (unless they are cooked onions) and I wont eat fishy tasting fish. BUT other then that I will eat just about anything.

3. People who are intolerant/racist against other peoples religion/beliefs. I have blogged about this before and I really don't want to go into it right now but I try to "Live and Let Live"

4. When my husband takes off his clothes or boots wherever he wants in the house and leaves them there for me to trip over. Many a fight has started that way.

6. I cant stand it when people don't take their cart back to the correct place at the store. How lazy are you that you can't walk to extra 10 feet to put the cart back?

7. I hate people who park their HUGE car half hanging into a second parking space. Grrrrr

I'm sure I will think of some more soon and add to this post.


Danielle said...

That's a short list compared to mine. The girls always say "it is ONE of Mom's MANY pet peeves"!