Sunday, May 11, 2008

Red Baby

It seems that Natalie figured out how to crawl overnight. We had the missionaries over to watch a movie and the whole time we are trying to pay attention Natalie is CRAWLING. Ben and I kept looking at each other silently asking each other.

"Did you see her do that?!"

So now I will be sitting on the computer and I will start to hear her little hands slapping the tile floor as she gets closer and closer. I guess its time for baby gates and child locks.

Which reminds me that she was fooling around with an electrical socket this morning.....crazy kid

We were in Atlanta this past weekend and everyone we met kept saying Natalie was "fat" or a "chunk" and my own personal favorite "healthy"

She is only 21 pounds people! I think the problem is she is short. She is still only 27 inches long and has been so since she was 7 months. Ive cursed my baby to be short and chunky like me. Poor thing.

As you may or may not have noticed Natalie loves to drag around her "red baby doll" grandma Marian got her. Well today in church a little 16 month old girl 'stole' Nat's red baby. I wasn't worried about it I was sure we would get it back but Natalie was not pleased. She is attached to that baby and was grumpy someone else was playing with it..... she has sharing issues.

Natalie's vocabulary:



Da da


Doogie Doogie

Ba ba

Ooo we ooo

Hey Bub

Hey Daddy

and my own personal favorite is: Te te te te

That is what she says when she wants me. I try and say 'ma ma' or 'mommy' with her all the time but all I get is "Mmmm"

She also mumbles things she hears. Its like she is trying to repeat things it just comes out sounding like she is mumbling

We were at my good friend Danni's house the past few days and we had a really great time catching up with her and her girls. Natalie actually let Danni hold her for about 4 minutes. Ben and I didnt know what to do with each other for 4 whole minutes. Nat is very clingy when we are in new environments. She wont even let me put her down on the floor in new places. She is also very observant of everyone and everything......she studies everyone and everything. But when we got home she was back to chilling by herself on her mat, ignoring me.

I have no new pictures of her right now. I need to go get some old ones developed.

Why do I blog about all this baby stuff? Because I am terrible at writing in a baby book. I plan on printing all this stuff out and making her a scrapbook.