Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines day!

I got the best gift I have ever received for Valentines day. NATALIES BOTTOM TOOTH POKED THROUGH!!! That is true love. When your child finally gets her tooth so you can start to get some sleep at night. What is a better Valentines day gift?

True Love = First Tooth

I am so proud of her! I know she has been in a lot of pain. But she is a trooper. Even though I know she is miserable she still is a sweetheart and she barely cries. She is in the living room now watching Blues Clues.

She has been babbling and saying a lot of DA DA. Which just makes Ben go crazy. He loves it. She says it all the time. She also says BA BA. Over and over again. But no MA MA. Oh well I guess I am boring. Whenever she is saying BA BA, I ask her what sound a sheep makes. It cracks me up every time!

She talks in such a girly voice its sooooo cute! She has this little electronic book that says stuff when you touch different things. It says "Your a little star!" She had it on the back seat of the car the other day and I was driving when she says "LIL STAAAA" I almost wrecked my car I was so excited! I know she doesn't know what she is saying but it is really neat that she is repeating things.

Getting teeth and talking.... I hope she dosent grow up too fast!

Ben had Lillies delivered to the house today for Valentines day. The box says they are going to bloom more over the next few days. He is so sweet to get me stuff like that, even though I have been very crabby lately.......which is whole other post.

Flowers Day 1. They are supposed to bloom more everyday

Flowers on day 2! Getting pretty!

Feb 15th update

Ben let me go to sleep at 8pm and he took care of Natalie last night by getting her in bed. He is so sweet to give me the gift of a full nights rest. How did I get so lucky?


Jessie said...

Those flowers are beautiful!!! I love lilies!!

your husband is such a sweetie. I wonder if Andy would do that lol. Guess I'll find out someday!