Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Texas Trip

We had a great trip to Texas. Bens family hasn't all been together since Christmas. So it was nice to visit with everybody. Unfortunately Natalie started to get sick the day we flew to Texas. She had a high fever and was being really crabby the whole time. She refused to eat or drink barely anything, but grandma did discover that she likes avocado!

We did end up in the E.R. because her fever wouldn't go down and that was the closest place that would take our insurance while we were traveling. The last time she was in a hospital she was 3 months old. It is majorly different now. She is much stronger then she used to be. They had to hold her down when they were taking her blood and urine. Usually she says da da da all the time. But while they were holding her down she was screaming DADDY! DADDY! Ben said it was breaking his heart.

After it was all said and done they said she just had a virus and it would work itself out in a few days. Poor baby. That was really the first time she has ever been sick. Of course it had to be during a trip :)

The Dr did tell us to give her benadryl before we got on the flight so her ears and sinuses wouldn't be bothered while changing altitude. Marian told us we should give her some to see how she re-acts to it before our trip. She said that some kids get sleepy from it and it makes other kids hyper.

We should have listened.

I just figured it made everybody sleepy because it makes Ben and I sleepy. Apparently it makes Natalie super hyper. This was the first flight EVER that she refused to sleep on. She was kicking her legs and squealing the WHOLE time. Thank goodness Ben was with me for this trip. She is also boycotting the stroller. So by the end of this trip my arms were about to fall off. Thank God she loves sitting on Ben's shoulders, holding on to his ears.

Natalie was excited to be home in her house. I think she missed her mat. Which runs along side our entertainment center. We've never had a problem in the past with her trying to get into those cabinet doors. But overnight it seems she has gotten an extreme interest in those doors. I had her on the mat and I went into the hallway when I came back around the corner she had the door open, pulling out the DVDs. She looked up at me like "Look what I found!" "Did you know these were in here?"

Yesterday she pulled on the glass door enough for the magnet to come undone and she fell backward. She didn't hit her head because she caught herself with her arms. Pretty smart.

Sometimes she does a face plant:

But she never gives up. I'm so proud of her