Friday, April 11, 2008


So we just got home from our visit up in PA. Natalie and I had such a good time visiting with everyone! I am not quite sure what was going on with our flights too and from. But both had HORRIBLE turbulence. The last flight was so bad that the flight attendants wernt allowed to get up from THIER seats. The first flight to BWI the landing was so terrible that I got very sick, and Natalie got so sick she threw up. She was still a little queasy the next day because she puked again. Ewww

Natalie is such a good traveler. I couldn't imagine doing all of this traveling by myself with any other kid. God definitely blessed us there.

I came back home to GA then I took a nap and when I woke up I was still a little groggy and I asked Ben "Where is Evan?" He is like "Back home with his mom"
I was worried about him, because I knew Ben was holding Natalie, who is holding Evan??? I miss him for sure. I also got to meet my niece Joy for the first time! She is adorable, she has such a cute little cry and beautiful eyes. She is only 2 1/2 months! I held her and she is so light compared to Natalie. It was tripping me out to see how big Natalie has gotten in just 9 months!

Ben was reminding me that it wont be long before Natalie is 1 year old! Time flies so fast when you have a little one.

Ben is happy we are home and Natalie really missed him. But now we miss Evan! Natalie is now trying to 'cruise' on the furniture like Evan does. She learns so much from him when we visit. She isn't crawling yet but she is scooting across the rug. No longer are the days when I can put her down and she will be in the same place when I come back. But this new skill brings a lot of bumps and bruises especially to the head area. So I am in search of a foam mat for the tile floor so she can scoot around in the living room without the risk of hitting her head really hard on the tile floor.

Natalie is now wearing 12 month clothes! I cant believe she is that big. When I was in PA the YWCA was having a Nearly New sale and I got a ton of 12 month summer clothes for Natalie. If I had bought all those clothes new I would have probably spent a few thousand dollars. Kids just grow out of their clothes so fast that there isn't much point in spending a ton of money on new clothes. Plus I love getting stuff cheap...yay

Aww! Don't they look related?