Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bad blogger

I KNOW! I KNOW! I have been a terrible blogger recently. But I have SO MUCH to blog about. I have felt a little overwhelmed now that I have a toddler I have to run after.

So lets get to it. I want to go over all the new cute things Natalie is doing. She is growing so fast!! It seems like yesterday she was just starting to learn how to smile.

New cute things Natalie is doing/learning.

  1. She is making "kissy" noises

  2. She is also making a hole lot of lip smacking noises

  3. Grandmom was here for a few weeks and she taught Natalie how to play "So big"

  4. Grandmom also taught her how to touch noses, eyes, mouths, and ears

  5. Mommy taught her where to find her belly button (and everyone elses)

  6. Natalie goes to the end of the arm rest on the couch or the recliner and squats down low and hides and then pops up to PEEK at us, she thinks this is hilarious

  7. She is learning how to color with crayons on her little table

  8. She also has these little "Temper Fits" she mostly has these when I tell her she can't put crayons in her mouth, she gets so annoyed with me :)

  9. Whenever either of us say "Natalie don't do that" or "No Natalie" she bursts into tears and she breaks out hearts. She is so sensitive. I only have to LOOK at her like I'm mad and she falls to pieces.

  10. Once my mom let Ben and I go on a date and she watched Nat for us. She gave Nat a bath and apparently Nat was angrily "chattering" at mom, because she didn't want to take a bath! When Nat woke up the next morning she saw me and started "angrily chattering" at ME! She was upset I was gone so long :)

  11. Nat has learned how to say I did it, Mom!!!, Mommy!!, Da Da, Naa, bab, and a whole lot of other chatter.

  12. Natalie loves to DANCE! Anytime and kind of music starts playing she starts to bob her head back and forth and shake her butt.

  13. She also give us "love squints" she looks at us and then squints her eyes.... she is a character

  14. She plays with the buttons on the TV to get our attention, but then she gets extremely scared of the "white noise" and she tries to get as far away as possible

  15. She loves playing "telephone" everything becomes a phone to her. She also plays with the cordless phone and has figured out which button changes the ringer volume. Whenever she touches that button on purpose she throws the phone away from her because it scares her. But she does it on purpose!

  16. She loves for us to build up blocks so she can knock them over. She has just started to stack a few blocks all by herself

  17. We were working with her trying to get her to wave bye bye, she did it once when grand mom left for the airport and we haven't been able to get her to do it since

  18. She LOVES to eat string beans and carrots, they are definitely her favorite foods.

  19. She HAS to be the one to turn of the light switch whenever we leave any room

  20. She is finally getting over her shyness. But now she goes up to complete strangers and wants to look at their belly button. I have been totally embarrassed

  21. She is also very "sassy" Some how she has picked up the ability to give very dirty looks ( I can't imagine WHO she learned this from) But she has given us quite I few dirty looks

  22. She absolutely LOVES cantaloupe and watermelon.

  23. She went to the DR for a check-up and the Dr said that she is going to be super short (sorry Natalie)

  24. She lets us know she needs something by STARING at us. If she has a poopy diaper she stops everything and stares at us until we figure out what she needs. She also does this if she wants a drink of juice

  25. She is pretty much weaned off the bottle and on to the sippy cup. She only has one bottle at bedtime.

  26. She is also feeding herself with a spoon and a fork. Its still a work in progress but she is very very good with a fork.

  27. She is more into reading her books or playing with her toys then watching TV anymore.

  28. We were watching "Wipe out" on TV last night and when the people were trying to walk across the "big red balls" after they fell Natalie was cracking up. She is so hilarious and she definitely has her parents sense of humor

Mommy and Natalie tried to paint what little toenails we have :)

I think Natalie looks so grown up in this picture. Like she is ready to go off to kindergarten

Natalie and her Daddy splashing in the pool.

I used to HATE it when people would post pictures of their kids covered in food. But now that its MY kid I don't mind it so much :) hypocrite?......Maybe

Today was the first time Natalie and I went to the library for story time for her age group. She wanted to play with the kids SO BAD. She wasn't much interested in doing any of the activities. She just wanted to get to those kids!

I am so happy that I get to spend these days home with her to watch her grown and learn new things everyday. It really changes a person when they become a parent. The world is an entirely different place then you thought it was.