Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Daughter Walks!

Its a miracle! Natalie is finally walking. It only took her until she was almost 15 months old but better late then never. It seems like one day she just woke up and started walking. Now she walks everywhere. I was so worried something was wrong with her because she hadn't walked yet. But yet again I learned that all kids do their own thing in their own time.

She went to the Dr to get her last set of shots and she was so upset with us! She was clinging to her Magenta puppy dog the whole time. Natalie is also a little anxious about the change in our routine lately. We have been doing a lot of moving preparation and she is all out of sorts.

The movers come tomorrow! I wonder how Natalie will react. I can't wait until we move! I'm so excited!


Danielle said...

Natalie beat my girls - they were 15 1/2 months when they took their first steps! Good luck with the move!

Unknown said...

I don't know if you've seen any of the "Signing Time" DVDs. I check them out a few at a time from the library and watch them with Archimedes. He loves them because they have lots of music, cartoons, and best of all, other babies signing and having fun.
ANYWAY...At the end of one of the DVDs, the host of the show sings a song about kids doing things at their own speed. (Lucy will do what Lucy will do when Lucy is READY to do it!) It makes me cry a bit!!

Congratulations on your walkin' girl. I love when my boy reaches for my hand to go for a walk.