Saturday, September 20, 2008


So its finally going to happen. Ben is getting out of the Air Force and we are going to have a 'normal' life again. We will be moving in with my parents in PA while Ben is searching for a good job. Its very scary to start over again with no money, but I am so thankful we have family that is willing to help us out in our time of need. Thank goodness my parents have a 4,000 square foot house :)

I have been agonizing over this for almost a year now. I have been a nervous wreck for so long. I have been worried how we are going to pay our bills with no income, or how we are going to afford health care for Ben and Natalie who both have major health issues. All of their prescriptions are VERY expensive.

But now that it is all finally happening I am just so relieved and at peace with it all. I don't really know how it is all going to work out but I trust that God has a plan for us and everything will be okay.

I am so excited to be moving close to our family again. I am so happy Natalie will be able to grow up with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all around her, just like I did when I was growing up. Ive really missed my family these past 5 years. We have missed so many Christmases, birthdays, thanksgivings, all kinds of things. You don't realize how important your family is to you until you don't have them in your life anymore.

The next few weeks are going to be crazy..... but its all worth it.


Jessie said...

I can't imagine starting over, especially after so long. You are so blessed to have a great family! I'm so glad that you are closer to me now, so I can come visit you!!

The Long Family said...

Good luck to you! It will all work out - Heavenly Father has a way of watching over us!

Danielle said...

You are right - family is everything. You are lucky to have a good one! I can't imagine a Christmas without family. We spent one Thanksgiving alone and I swore that would be the last. It was the worst holiday! Of course there are always good friends who can step in when your family isn't close but nothing compares! I am happy for you all. Everything will work out.